The magnetic circular dichroism spectrum of the hexaquocobalt (II) ion in the infra-red region

The magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and absorption spectra in the range 5500–10 250 cm-1 of a single cubic crystal of [Co(H2O)6](BrO3)2 have been measured at various temperatures between 5 and 300 K. An analysis of the temperature variation of the zeroth absorption and MCD moments shows that the intensity of the E′ (4αT 1g ) → 4 T 2g transition is provided mainly through the two cobalt-oxygen t 1u vibrations. The signs and magnitudes of the overall b and c term are in reasonable accord with previously published calculations. The low energy side of the MCD band exhibits some zerophonon lines and a complex vibronic structure which appears to involve low energy lattice vibrations as well as the cobalt-oxygen skeletal vibrations.