Does treatment change the outcome of seizures and computerized tomographic lesions in intracranial granulomas?

In children, intracranial granuloma diagnosed on computerized tomography (CT) scan and presenting with seizures as the sole manifestation has traditionally been treated with antitubercular (ATB) therapy or albendazole (Alb) in addition to antiepileptic drugs (AED). This study was conducted to determine whether AED therapy alone or specific treatment (ATB+Alb) influences the outcome of seizures and the CT lesion. Sixty-eight children presenting with seizures along with intracranial granuloma on CT scan were selected for the study. They were randomly divided into two groups. Group A (n = 34) was treated with AED alone and group B (n = 34) received antitubercular therapy and albendazole in addition to AED. Seizure type as noted and electroencephalogram (EEG) and CT scan were done in all. They were followed up for a period of 2 to 9 years, during which a record of seizure count and type was maintained. CT scans were repeated at 3 monthly intervals and EEGs were repeated whenever indicated. Four patients in each group were lost to follow-up. Seizures persisted in four out of 30 in group A and six out of 30 in group B. There was no statistically significant difference (p >0.05) in the outcome of seizures in the two groups. Taking the whole group together (n = 60), of the 13 who had presented with multiple seizures at onset, epilepsy was a sequela in five (p <0.05); and of the 17 in whom the lesion had calcified seizures persisted in seven (p <0.05), irrespective of treatment modality. In conclusion, though specific treatment did not alter the outcome of seizures, children with multiple seizures at presentation and calcification of CT lesion had epilepsy as a sequela.

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