In the last decade numerous genes involved in the biosynthesis of antibiotics, pigments, herbicides and other secondary metabolites have been cloned. The genes involved in the biosynthesis of penicillin, cephalosporin and cephamycins are organized in clusters as occurs also with the biosynthetic genes of other antibiotics and secondary metabolites (see review by Martín and Liras [65]). We have cloned genes involved in the biosynthesis of β-lactam antibiotics from five different β-lactam producing organisms both eucaryotic (Penicillium chrysogenum, Cephalosporium acremonium (syn.Acremonium chrysogenum) Aspergillus nidulans) and procaryotic (Nocardia lactamdurans, Streptomyces clavuligerus). InP. chrysogenum andA. nidulans the organization of thepcbAB,pcbC andpenDE genes for ACV synthetase, IPN synthase and IPN acyltransferase showed a similar arrangement. InA. chrysogenum two different clusters of genes have been cloned. The cluster of early genes encodes ACV synthetase and IPN synthase, whereas the cluster of late genes encodes deacetoxycephalosporin C synthetase/hydroxylase and deacetylcephalosporin C acetyltransferase. InN. lactamdurans andS. clavuligerus a cluster of early cephamycin genes has been fully characterized. It includes thelat (for lysine-6-aminotransferase),pcbAB (for ACV synthase) andpcbC (for IPN synthase) genes. Pathway-specific regulatory genes which act in a positive (or negative) form are associated with clusters of genes involved in antibiotic biosynthesis. In addition, widely acting positive regulatory elements exert a pleiotropic control on secondary metabolism and differentiation of antibiotic producing microorganisms. The application of recombinant DNA techniques will contribute significantly to the improvement of fermentation organisms.