The concept of courtship disorder

Four phases of normal human male courtship behavior may be diferentiated: (a) location and initial appraisal of a potential partner; (b) pretactile interaction (e.g., smiling at, posturing for, or talking to a prospectiue partner); (c) tutile interaction (e.g., embracing, petting); and (d) efecting genital union. A particular class of erotic anomalies may be seen as distorted counterparts ofthe four normal phases: (a) voyeurism; (b) exhibitionism and obscene telephoning; (c) toucheurism andjotteurism; and (d) the preferential rape pattern. Data form male samples are presented that show that two or more of these anomalies are often found in the same indiuidual. These data suggest the existence of a discrete syndrome which may be described as a courtship disorder.

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