Semiconductor lasers with optical injection and feedback

In this review we discuss the theoretical framework needed for studying the dynamical behaviour of semiconductor lasers exposed to three kinds of optical modulation. We start by a derivation of the single-mode rate-equations for the slowly varying complex electric field and the inversion, and the necessary extensions for monochromatic optical injection and normal external optical feedback. The basic operating characteristics of the solitary semiconductor laser are analysed, including light-current curves and their dependence on the spontaneous emission level, as well as the optical spectrum. The effect of monochromatic injection is discussed in terms of locking and non-locking dynamics, including a thermodynamic potential for phase jumps. The basic ingredients for studying external optical feedback are given, including a derivation of the thermodynamic potential for phase-diffusion. After an introduction on optical phase conjugation, the field rate-equation for feedback from a phase-conjugate mirror is derived.