How palliative care of cancer patients is organised between a University Hospital and primary care in Finland

The aim of this study was to find out how palliative care is organised between the Helsinki University Central Hospital (University Hospital) and primary care. The study consisted of 102 patients whose oncological treatment was terminated and the responsibility of palliative care was transferred to primary care. The patients were interviewed by phone using a structured questionnaire. Another questionnaire form was sent to the primary care physicians. Half of the patients were treated in more than one primary care unit. One third of the outpatients were unaware who was responsible for the care. Most of the patients wanted to be at home but this was achieved in less than half of the cases. Most patients were symptomatic while leaving the University Hospital and no improvement was seen thereafter. Every third patient reported of poor quality of palliative care in the primary care. Also the physicians reported a need for training in palliative care.