Air-(ac) and bone-conduction (be) thresholds were determined for 96 subjects in the age range 16-30 years. The be tests were carried out using a B-71 vibrator applied to left and right mastoid under three conditions at the contralateral ear: unoccluded, masked at 25 dB and at 40 dB sensation level; ac audiometry and masking noise used a TDH-39 earphone. By a systematic process of otological classification of the subjects, the be threshold for ‘normal hearing’ could be estimated with an uncertainty of less than 1 dB and interpolated for masking noise levels from zero to 40 dB sensation level. Results are expressed as alternating force levels in an artificial mastoid of current commercial design. Variance of the air-bone difference for individual ears is found to be less than the sum of ac and be threshold variances calculated separately, implying strong air-bone correlation. Comparison is made with other recent studies using B-71 - and KH-70-type vibrators, and average results are presented in the context of a proposed international standard for the normal threshold of hearing by be.