Morphogenesis of Ascospores in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Ultrastructural changes associated with ascospore formation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated by using freeze-etching and thin-sectioning techniques. The first nuclear division (meiosis I) is indicated by the appearance of spindle fibers within the nucleus. The nucleus subsequently elongates and eventually assumes a barbell shape; the second nuclear division (meiosis II) occurs before nuclear separation. The spindle fibers involved in meiosis II appear to be oriented perpendicular to those observed in meiosis I. A discrete bilaminar structure (forespore wall) progressively delineates each ascospore nucleus and encloses cytoplasmic material including mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. The forespores then elongate, close off, and become separated from the ascus cytoplasm by membranes. The ascospores assume a spherical shape as spore coat material is laid down; the latter stages of ascospore formation are characterized by thickening of the ascospore wall and disintegration of the ascus cytoplasm. No structures which could be identified as chromosomes were observed.