Renal venography: Anatomy, technique, applications, analysis of 132 venograms, and a review of the literature

Selective renal venography is a simple but important diagnostic procedure which has few complications. A thorough knowledge of renal venous anatomy is essential for its proper performance and clinical application. This is particularly true because renal venous variations are frequent and may interfere with the successful approach to retroperitoneal surgery. The method is widely accepted for the evaluation of the renal venous bed in patients with suspected renal vein thrombosis or hematuria of unknown etiology. It depicts the extent of renal venous involvement in renal carcinoma and clarifies the diagnosis in some patients with avascular tumors, renal pelvic carcinoma, and retroperitoneal tumors. It may also be useful in defining the morphologic abnormality when the kidney fails to visualize on urography, in delineating the extent and nature of renal parenchymal disease, and in enhancing the precision of renal vein renin collection.