Improving international nurse training: an American-Italian case study

Background: Institutionalized international nurse training organized by national educational institutions is a relatively new phenomenon. This, descriptive case study examines an early example of an American–Italian initiative of such training, in order to stimulate future international education of nurses. Aim: To find out what factors have to be taken into account to improve training and what its potential effects are in exchange and also in the context of nurse migration. Method: A questionnaire was sent to the 85 nurses who all participated in this particular international programme (response rate: 30.6%). Findings: The collected data indicate that personalized and well-aimed training, preparatory language courses, predeparture exposure of nurses to the culture of the host country and well-prepared welcomes are among the most important ways to improve this programme. Implications for practice: While the specific circumstances and cultures involved in this particular case study should not be ignored, these factors might also be applied to maximize the positive effects of nurse-migration. Two-way learning is among the positive effects of such an international training experience. Motivational and team-building effects can result in enhanced quality of care and a more efficient allocation of resources. However, the mind-opening effect seems to be the most important learning experience. Therefore, regardless of whether one system is considered better or worse than another, experiencing a different way of nursing/education is considered the most important, enriching element of an international learning experience. The effects of this experience could include avoiding cultural imposition in the increased cultural diversity of nursing in the country of origin