Symmetry and structure of quantized vortices in superfluidB3

We present a symmetry classification for the vortices in superfluid He3. We find that in superfluid B3 there may exist five different singly quantized axially symmetric vortex lines, which are different from each other in their internal discrete symmetries. A phenomenological Landau theory is constructed for all the possible phase transitions between the singly quantized axisymmetric vortices. Our detailed numerical calculations of the vortex core structure in the Ginzburg-Landau regime show that the vortex with minimum free energy, the one that we have identified with the vortex actually observed near Tc in the NMR experiments on rotating B3, possesses a novel new structure: The discrete broken symmetry in this vortex is space parity P; the vortex has a superfluid core with the A phase and a spontaneously ferromagnetic β phase, which is not known to occur in bulk He3. This core structure explains the measured large magnetic moment of the vortex, and also the orienting effect of the vortices on the B3 order parameter in the rotating superfluid through the susceptibility anisotropy. For this superfluid core vortex we find that there exist nodes in the He3 quasiparticle energy gap inside a finite radius from the vortex axis. We define the distancetwo to three Ginzburg-Landau coherence lengthsat which the nodes first appear as the core radius of the B-phase vortex. Physical properties of vortices with broken symmetry are discussed: The vortices may display a spontaneous electric polarization and/or a spontaneous axial supercurrent, depending on the symmetry of the vortex core matter.