In large patient populations from Karolinska Sjukhuset [Stockholm, Sweden] radiologic pelvimetry data including mean values and correlation of the pelvic diameters have been defined. Overall incidence of contraction and borderline pelvic measurements and the efficacy of selecting by palpation the patients with a narrow pelvis have been evaluated. The indications for pelvimetry were related to an earlier period. By re-evaluation of the clinical application of pelvimetry a modified routine low-dose pelvimetry is proposed. From measurement of the transverse outlet diameters on an orthodiagraphic a.p. film the sum of the outlet diameters is estimated and a supplementary lateral film is exposed in selected cases. Employing pelvimetry in all primigravidae by the orthodiagraphic a.p. film would still result in a lower total population dose than does the presently used routine of complete pelvimetry, consisting of the same a.p. and lateral films, in selected cases.

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