NMR Evidence for Common Magnetic Behavior in Double Layered Superconducting Cuprates

Y89 NMR measurements on (Pb0.75 Cu0.25)Sr2 (Ca0.5 Y0.5)Cu2 O7 and YBa2 (Cu0.9Co0.1)3 O7 show that the shifts have a similar value and temperature dependence to that of YBa2 Cu3 O6.48. All three have a Tc of 45 K. This behavior parallels that found from a comparative NMR study of YBa2 Cu4 O8 and YBa2 Cu3 O6.8 both with Tc80 K. The common behavior of Y89 shifts in these different double layered superconductors strongly suggests that Tc and the spin susceptibility are intimately related in systems where the changes in Tc result from differences in hole concentration.