Geochemistry of suspended particulate matter in the Saguenay Fjord

Analysis of major elements in suspended particulate matter from the Saguenay Fjord in May and September 1974 shows that the content of Si, Al, Ca, Mg, and K remain relatively constant in time and space, reflecting the constancy of the silicate mineralogy of the particulate matter. Large variations in time and space occur, however, in the content of Fe and Mn. High levels of Fe occur in particulate matter from near-bottom waters of the fjord during both time periods. Variations in the Fe/Al ratios indicate that Fe is enriched in the non-silicate fraction of the particulate matter (oxides, hydroxides, etc.) in the near-bottom waters, but not elsewhere. In contrast, Mn is enriched relative to both Al and Fe in particulate matter from intermediate depths, and varies in time and space. This is attributed to the in situ uptake of Mn from seawater and (or) the input of particles, already containing high levels of Mn, from the St. Lawrence Estuary.