Identification ofTb145andTb144and levels in theN=81nucleus,Gd145

With the use of a helium gas-jet transport system the isotopes Tb145 and Tb144 were identified in a series of B10+Sm144 irradiations. Nuclidic assignments were based on yields as a function of bombarding energy, γ-ray coincidences with gadolinium K x rays, and comparisons with data from in-beam γ-ray studies. Thirteen transitions were observed to follow the decay of Tb145 (T12=30±3 sec). Nine of them were placed in a scheme incorporating six excited levels in Gd145, the lowest two of which, 27.3 and 748.7 keV, were previously known from Gdm145 decay. The nuclide Tb144 (T12=5±1 sec) was identified by observing the 742.9-keV γ ray known from in-beam studies to be the 2+ (first-excited state)→0+ (ground state) transition in Gd144.