Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Arabidopsis

Improving plant nitrogen (N) use efficiency or controlling soil N requires a better knowledge of the regulation of plant N metabolism. This could be achieved using Arabidopsis as a model genetic system, taking advantage of the natural variation available among ecotypes. Here, we describe an extensive study of N metabolism variation in the Bay-0 × Shahdara recombinant inbred line population, using quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. We mapped QTL for traits such as shoot growth, total N, nitrate, and free-amino acid contents, measured in two contrasting N environments (contrasting nitrate availability in the soil), in controlled conditions. Genetic variation and transgression were observed for all traits, and most of the genetic variation was identified through QTL and QTL × QTL epistatic interactions. The 48 significant QTL represent at least 18 loci that are polymorphic between parents; some may correspond to known genes from the N metabolic pathway, but others represent new genes controlling or interacting with N physiology. The correlations between traits are dissected through QTL colocalizations: The identification of the individual factors contributing to the regulation of different traits sheds new light on the relations among these characters. We also point out that the regulation of our traits is mostly specific to the N environment (N availability). Finally, we describe four interesting loci at which positional cloning is feasible.