XTL-SIZE: a computer program for crystal-size-distribution calculation from X-ray diffraction line broadening

A computer program has been written for the determination of crystal-size distribution in a direction perpendicular to an (hkl) crystal plane, from a digitized XRD peak. It implements an information theory approach devised by Guérin, Alvarez, Rebollo Neira, Plastino & Bonetto [Acta Cryst. (1986), A42, 30–35] and Alvarez, Bonetto, Guérin, Plastino & Rebollo Neira [Powder Diffr. (1987), 2, 220–224]. The program has a fully automated operation mode and owing to the very restricted amount of input data this program is specially suited to users with a limited knowledge of crystal-size-determination methods.

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