Corrections to the zeroth-approximation cross-section formula for antineutrino capture on protons at nuclear reactors are evaluated. They include recoil corrections 1M of three kinds. The true recoil correction to the cross section is negligible. The weak-magnetism—axial-vector interference is sizable, decreasing the cross section by ∼2% for 5-MeV positrons. One also has to include the recoil-neutron energy in relating the positron and antineutrino energies in order to evaluate the antineutrino flux. That effect decreases the positron yield by as much as 6% for 5-MeV positrons. The radiative corrections of order α have been also evaluated; they increase the cross section by ∼1.5% near threshold and by ∼0.7% at 5MeV. Formulas and a table of numerical values of all corrections are presented.