Model of Mass Varying Neutrinos in SUSY

  • 14 July 2005
We discuss the mass varying neutrino scenario in the supersymmetric theory. In the case of the model with the single superfield, one needs the soft SUSY breaking terms or the $\mu$ term. However, fine-tunings of some parameters are required to be consistent with the cosmological data. In order to avoid the fine-tuning, we discuss the model with two superfields, which is consistent with the cosmological data. However, it is found that the left-handed neutrino mixes with the neutrino of the dark sector maximally. Adding a right- handed neutrino, which does not couple to the dark sector, we obtain a favorable model in the phenomenology of the neutrino experiments. In this model, the deceleration of the cosmological expansion converts to the acceleration near $z\simeq 0.5$. The speed of sound $c_s$ becomes imaginary if we put $\omega_0=-0.9$, which corresponds to $m_\nu^0=3.17\eV$. On the other hand, if we take $\omega_0=-0.998$, which leads to $m_\nu^0=0.05\eV$, $c_s^2$ becomes positive since $\omega$ evolves rapidly near the present epoch in our model.

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