Serum trace element levels in HIV-infected subjects

The absolute number of T4 cells and the serum concentrations of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, P, Se, and Zn were determined in 59 Walter-Reed staged, HIV-infected men, compared to healthy controls, serum levels of Ca, Cu, and Fe were significantly higher, those of P and Se significantly lower in the HIV-infected subjects. In the HIV-infected cases, but not in the controls, the concentrations of Se and Zn, of Ca with Cu and Fe, and of Fe with P, were directly correlated. In the controls, the correlation between the levels of K and Mg was direct, and inverse between those of Zn and P. Trace element levels did not significantly correlate with WR-stage. However, the absolute number of T4 cells was directly correlated with the serum Mg concentration.