Personality Characteristics of Treatment-Seeking HIV+ Pregnant Drug Dependent Women

Pregnant, drug dependent women present for treatment with a variety of medical and psychosocial issues. When medical sequelae include HIV infection, effective medical and psychosocial management is essential for both mother and fetus/infant. To better understand and characterize this high-risk population, the present study examined personality features and psychopathology in a sample of HIV+, pregnant, drug dependent women. Personality was assessed using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory--Revised (MMPI-2). The mean MMPI-2 codetype, (6-8), although relatively rare in standard drug treatment settings, characterized nearly one-fifth of study participants. The 6-8 codetype is typically associated with unusual thought processes, feelings of hostility and suspiciousness as well as apathy, which may mask symptoms of nervousness, anxiety and depression. Treatment implications of study findings are discussed.