Regulation of Zebrafish Skeletogenesis by ext2/dackel and papst1/pinscher

Mutations in human Exostosin genes (EXTs) confer a disease called Hereditary Multiple Exostoses (HME) that affects 1 in 50,000 among the general population. Patients with HME have a short stature and develop osteochondromas during childhood. Here we show that two zebrafish mutants, dackel (dak) and pinscher (pic), have cartilage defects that strongly resemble those seen in HME patients. We have previously determined that dak encodes zebrafish Ext2. Positional cloning of pic reveals that it encodes a sulphate transporter required for sulphation of glycans (Papst1). We show that although both dak and pic are required during cartilage morphogenesis, they are dispensable for chondrocyte and perichondral cell differentiation. They are also required for hypertrophic chondrocyte differentiation and osteoblast differentiation. Transplantation analysis indicates that dak−/− cells are usually rescued by neighbouring wild-type chondrocytes. In contrast, pic−/− chondrocytes always act autonomously and can disrupt the morphology of neighbouring wild-type cells. These findings lead to the development of a new model to explain the aetiology of HME. Hereditary Multiple Exostoses is a disease that causes the formation of benign bone tumours in children. Besides causing severe skeletal deformity, the bone tumours can compress nerves or other tissue resulting in chronic pain. Although the tumours can usually be surgically removed, they sometimes recur or are in positions that prevent surgery. We have identified two strains of zebrafish whose offspring have skeletal defects that resemble those of patients with Hereditary Multiple Exostoses. We have found that each strain carries a mutated form of an essential gene. Importantly, these two genes are also found in humans, and thus by analysing their function in zebrafish, we may shed light on their role in humans. Our study has elucidated the roles of these genes during normal skeletal development and has allowed us to generate a model for how genetic changes give rise to bone tumours in humans.