A clinical comparative study of multiple sclerosis and neuro-Behcet's syndrome.

Clinical comparisons were made between Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis (66 cases) and neuro-Behcet''s syndrome (23 cases.) Those with neuro-Behcet showed marked male predominance; those with multiple sclerosis showed slight female preponderance. Both showed encephalomyelopathy disseminated in time and space. Patients with multiple sclerosis showed a more polyphasic course; patients with neuro-Behcet showed a more progressive one. In multiple sclerosis optic neuritis, acute transverse myelitis, painful tonic seizures, mental disturbance and internuclear ophthalmoplegia were common. In neuro-Behcet the main neurological manifestation was progressive pseudobulbar palsy. Serum and CSF showed more inflammatory changes in neuro-Behcet than in multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis the main lesions apparently were in the optic nerve, tegmentum of the brain stem and spinal cord; in neuro-Behcet they were in the basal parts of the brain stem.

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