Study of the Unidimensionality of the Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale Using Rasch Analysis in a French Sample of Major Depressive Disorders

In a French sample of 73 major depressive disorders (according to the DSM III definition), the unidimensionality of the Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholia Scale was studied; firstly by means of traditional but not really valid methods (i.e., factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha), and second, using the Rasch logistic model. These methods would seem to show that the B. R. M. E. S. provides a unidimensional measurement of depression. In einer französischen Gruppe von 73 ,,major depressive disorders" (nach DSM-III) haben wir die Eindimensionalität der Bech-Rafaelsen Melancholie-Skala untersucht, zunächst anhand der traditionellen, jedoch nicht validen Methoden (Faktoranalyse und Cronbachs Alpha), danach mit dem logistischen Rasch-Modell. Alle diese Untersuchungen ergaben, daß die BRMS Depression eindimensional zu messen scheint.

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