Classification of the interlayer coupling in high-Tccuprates from low-field magnetization studies

Low-field magnetization M(H) measurements are reported for single crystals of various high-Tc cuprates with different anisotropies (γ=λc/λab, where λc and λab are the c-axis and ab-plane penetration depths). For YBa2 Cu3 O7 (γ≊5) and La1.89 Sr0.11 CuO4 (γ≊12), qualitatively similar M(H) behavior is observed when the magnetic field is applied both perpendicular (Hc) and parallel (Hab) to the CuO2 planes, consistent with a description of these compounds as anisotropic three-dimensional superconductors. Tl2 Ba2 CuO6+δ (γ≊25) and Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2O (γ≊250), on the other hand, show significant differences in M(H) with Hab which can be attributed to the presence of Josephson screening currents across the layers. These observations imply that the nature of the interlayer coupling is determined primarily by the ratio of the out-of-plane coherence length ξc to the interlayer spacing s. © 1996 The American Physical Society.