Properties of Josephson Junction Fabricated on Bicrystal Substrate with Different Misorientation Angles

In order to develop YBa2Cu3O7-δ bicrystal junctions suitable for high-performance superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID), the relationship between the junction properties and the misorientation angle of the bicrystal substrate is studied experimentally. Misorientation angles of 24°, 27°, 30°, 33° and 36.8° are used, and the angular dependencies of junction resistance R s and critical current I o are investigated. It is shown that values of R s and I o approximately follow the relation I o R s 1.5=const. in these junctions. The obtained results are analyzed in terms of the direct and resonant tunneling mechanisms. It is also shown that values of R s≈10 Ω and I o≈20 µA can be obtained rather reproducibly when we use the 30° junctions. The properties of this junction are very promising for the development of high-performance SQUID.