An intra-arterial Clark-type polarographic oxygen electrode was used with a fiberoptic bronchoscope for real-time analysis of the PO2 change during 1 min of suction in patients spontaneously breathing oxygen. There was a strong correlation between values obtained from the intra-arterial electrode (PiO2) and those from blood samples (PaO2), before and at the end of suction; the PiO2/PaO2 ratio was close to one. Continuous PiO2 recordings during suction without supplemental oxygen showed little change in the early period of suction, followed by a steep drop continuing even after suction. This drop in PiO2 was partially attenuated by providing oxygen with high-frequency jet ventilation and was almost completely attenuated by the use of a suction adaptor. Changes in the inspired oxygen concentration indicated the importance of keeping this variable constant during suction to prevent hypoxemia.