The use of188Re to treat in-stent re-stenosis of coronary arteries

A pilot study has been conducted in which coronary arteries subject to re-stenosis after angioplasty and stenting have been irradiated following further angioplasty. The method of irradiation has been to use radioactive188Re in an angioplasty balloon. This paper considers all aspects of the procedure including elution of the rhenium from a tungsten/rheniurn generator, its concentration, dispensing and safe delivery to the patient using specially designed equipment to reduce staff doses and radioactive spil1s. In the pilot study of 28 lesions in 26 patients only 1 was recorded as having angiographic re-stenosis in the treated region at 6 months although 4 other patients had edge re-stenosis. This represents less than 18% re-stenosis in a population that would have been expected to exhibit at least 50% re-stenosis at 6 months. A total of 72 patients have been treated either in the pilot study or a subsequent trial. In only one case has a minor spill of radioactivity occurred and in no case has the balloon burst. Radiation doses to staff are approximately 20 μSv per procedure and are therefore not of serious consequence. It is concluded that this procedure is safe, feasible and effective in reducing in-stent re-stenosis.