The Cyclic Relationship of Estrogen Sulfurylation to the Nuclear Receptor Level in Human Endometrial Curettings*

Human endometrial curettings were selected principally from patients undergoing tubal ligations for elective sterilization. Specimens were analyzed for the metabolism of 17/β-[6,7-3H]estradiol and Na235SO4; assayed for the nuclear receptor content with 17/β[6,7-3H]estradiol; and examined for the cytosol receptor content with 17/β-[2,4,6,7-3H]estradiol. The results of these experiments demonstrated that a) estrogen sulfotransferase activity is greatly stimulated during the secretory phase; b) although estrogen dehydrogenase is active throughout the menstrual cycle, the formation of estrone is elevated in concert with sulfurylation; and c) this increased metabolism of 17/β-estradiol is accompanied by a decreased nuclear uptake of the estrogen receptor complex. The importance of this endometrial estrogen metabolism in the maintenance of a secretory tissue is discussed. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab48: 420, 1979)