Motility of L5222 rat leukemia cells

Summary The locomotive behavior of cells of the transplantable rat leukemia L5222 was studied by means of microcinematography. It was found that these cells exhibit a homogeneous pattern of movement resembling that of normal lymphoblasts and stimulated lymphocytes. This is in contrast to cytochemical and ultrastructural evidence according to which the cells are completely undifferentiated. Another phenomenon, recorded by timelapse, is the ability of the cells to move in a spherical and in a flattened state. Treatment with cytochalasin B in a concentration of 30μg/ml leads to loss of locomotion. Incubation with colchicine, 40μg/ml, results in a greatly reduced locomotion, while the on-spot motility is not impaired. The suitability of this model for investigations on the role of locomotion in penetration and tumor cell dissemination is emphasized.