Sexual orientation and performance on sexually dimorphic motor tasks

Performance of homosexual and heterosexual men and women on two motor tasks which reliably demonstrate sex differences in opposite directions was examined. A Throw-to-Target Task and the Purdue Pegboard were administered to undergraduate students matched for age and program of study. A two-way ANOVA (Sex × Sexual Orientation) of the Throw data showed a significant interaction,F(1, 90) = 16.22,p ≤ 0.001, and a trend for an effect of sex,F(1, 90) = 3.72,p < 0.06. Heterosexual men outperformed heterosexual women, whereas gay men threw less accurately and lesbians tended to throw more accurately than their heterosexual counterparts. Differences in sports history or hand strength did not account for these effects. Analysis of the Pegboard scores found no interaction or main effect of sexual orientation, but the effect of sex was significant,F(1,63) = 7.01,p ≤ 0.02. Regardless of sexual orientation, women outperformed men and this difference remained significant even when a measure of finger size was partialed out. This study provides new evidence suggesting an association between sexual orientation and motor-performance profiles. As with cognitive tasks, the motor-performance profiles of homosexuals are composites of some male-typical and some female-typical abilities. To the extent that sociological factors have been controlled, the study suggests that both sexual orientation and motor/cognitive predispositions may have early biological contributions.