Acute Renal Failure in Pregnancy in South Africa

This study compares our experiences of the incidence and etiology of acute renal failure in pregnancy (ARF-P) in patients requiring hemodialysis, a decade after a previous publication from our institution. A retrospective analysis of the hospital records of 42 patients with a diagnosis of ARF-P during a 3-year period from 1990 to 1992 was undertaken [16% of the total number of acute renal failure (ARF) patients needing hemodialysis]. The incidence of ARF-P (expressed relative to all cases of acute renal failure requiring hemo-dialysis) decreased from 24.6% (1978) to 16% (1992: p = 0.03). Preeclampsia-eclampsia (PE:E) replaced septic abortion as the principal cause of ARF-P. In those patients with PE:E, thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 150 × 109/L) occurred in all, while 33% developed the HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets). Ingestion of herbal toxins was noted mostly in patients with septic abortion. Maternal mortality was 5% and was due to multiorgan failure complicating septic abortion. The perinatal mortality of 55% occurred in women with early gestation, thrombocytopenia, and high serum creatinine levels. Acute renal failure in pregnancy continues to present a challenge in South Africa, a developing country. There were significantly more obstetric than gynecological causes in 1992 (p = 0.0003). This could be attributed to the steady decline in septic abortion since 1978. The main contributor to obstetric-related causes was PE:E. Greater emphasis should therefore be placed on detecting hypertension at antenatal visits. Overall maternal mortality has declined markedly in the past decade, attributable to the fall in septic abortion, the early and aggressive dialysis program introduced in this center, and improved obstetric care.