Use of Sevoflurane During Elective Cesarean Birth

This randomized study compared sevoflurane 1% and isoflurane 0.5% in terms of maternal and neonatal outcomes. In addition, neonatal outcome in both groups was compared with a cohort of patients delivered by cesarean birth using spinal anesthesia. Fifty-five patients presenting for elective cesarean birth under general anesthesia were randomly assigned to receive either sevoflurane 1% or isoflurane 0.5% in a 50% nitrous oxide and oxygen mixture for maintenance. Twenty patients requesting regional anesthesia received a subarachnoid block using 1.5 mL bupivacaine 0.75% in 8.25% dextrose with fentanyl 10 micro gram. Intraoperative hemodynamic variables and perioperative adverse events were recorded. Neonatal data included Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min, umbilical artery gas analysis, neurologic adaptive capacity scores (NACS) at 2 and 24 h, and a modified neonatal behavioral assessment scale (NBAS) at 24 h. Sevoflurane and isoflurane at equianesthetic concentrations (0.46 MAC-h [minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration hours]) were associated with similar blood pressure and heart rate changes during the operation. Blood loss, uterine tone, and perioperative complications were not problematic and were similar with the two drugs. No differences were seen in emergence times or in the time to being judged fit for discharge from the recovery room. Similarly, the level of postoperative comfort was the same in both groups. Comparing the general and the spinal anesthetic groups, no differences could be detected in neonatal outcome. Fluoride concentrations were modestly increased above preoperative levels in maternal and umbilical blood samples after sevoflurane administration. We conclude that there are no significant differences between sevoflurane 1% and isoflurane 0.5% for maintenance of general anesthesia during cesarean birth. (Anesth Analg 1995;81:90-5)