Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Proteins in Embryonic and Neonatal Brain: Hypotheses for Roles in Sexual Differentiation and Behavior

We have demonstrated and partially characterized putative estrogen and androgen receptors from mouse hypothalamus for a range of perinatal ages. For the first time, estrogen and androgen receptors from embryonic mouse and rat hypothalamus are described and characterized; they display similar parameters as the receptor proteins of adult mice and rats. The ontogeny of these proteins is discussed in the context of models for the control of the “critical period” of sexual differentiation of the brain. The androgen-binding proteins, presumed to be receptors, are compared for hypothalamus and kidney and for the androgen-resistant mutant mouse, testicular feminization (Tfm). The putative receptor forms that are observed help to define the possible function of brain androgen receptors during sexual differentiation. Development and modification of DNA—cellulose chromatography for the affinity separation of steroid receptors of brain is described. The methods allow complete separations of receptor proteins from non—receptor, steroid-binding proteins and subsequent analysis of the resultant receptors.