Effects of growth and speed on hindlimb joint angular displacement patterns in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops)

Hip, knee, and ankle joint displacement patterns are compared across both age and speed for five immature vervet monkeys sampled approximately every 6 months over a 3 year period. The analysis indicated that, as a group, the animals displayed no consistent changes in joint patterns as they grew. However, individual animals showed consistent patterns. There were also no consistent effects of size across animals at the walk–gallop transition. This is contrary to McMahon's prediction (J. Appl. Physiol. 39:619–627, 1975) based upon his elastic-similarity model of animal scaling. With increasing speed, when symmetrical gaits were used, all of the animals tended to show a decrease in the relative positions of the hip, knee, and ankle maximum values. Furthermore, across the walk–gallop transition, the animals tended to show a decrease in the range of ankle and knee movements.