Cavum vergae cyst as a cause of hydrocephalus, ?Almost Forgotten??

Cavum vergae cysts (CVC) are cerebral midline malformations, which usually have no clinical manifestations. In rare cases, however, non-communicating cysts can cause hydrocephalus by obstruction of the aqueduct. Initially, from 1930 to 1960 operative treatment consisted in open cysto-ventriculostomy,i.e. establishing a communication between CVC and the ventricles, via a transventricular approach. In the era of CT, symptomatic treatment of the hydrocephalus by ventriculo-atrial or ventriculo-peritoneal sunts is preferred. All the wellknown complications of shunting are encountered. Based on the experience of our cases of CVC with clinical manifestations, we here propose a definitive causal treatment which can be achieved by draining the cyst contents into the ventricles via a stereotactically introduced catheter.