Survey for Galaxies Associated withz∼ 3 Damped Lyα Systems. II. Galaxy‐Absorber Correlation Functions

We use 211 galaxy spectra from our survey for Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) associated with 11 damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) to measure the three-dimensional LBG auto-correlation and DLA-LBG cross-correlation functions with the primary goal of inferring the mass of DLAs at z~3. Conventional binning of the data while varying both r_0 and gamma parameters of the fiducial model of the correlation function xi(r)=(r/r_0)^{-gamma} resulted in the best fit values and 1 sigma uncertainties of r_0=2.65+/-0.48, gamma=1.55+/-0.40 for the LBG auto-correlation and r_0=3.32+/-1.25, gamma=1.74+/-0.36 for DLA-LBG cross-correlation function. To circumvent shortcomings found in binning small datasets, we perform a maximum likelihood analysis based on Poisson statistics. The best fit values and 1 sigma confidence levels from this analysis were found to be r_0=2.91(+1.0,-1.0), gamma=1.21(+0.6,-0.3) for the LBG auto-correlation and r_0=2.81(+1.4,-2.0), gamma=2.11(+1.3,-1.4) for the DLA-LBG cross-correlation function. We report a redshift spike of five LBGs with Delta z = 0.015 of the z=2.936 DLA in the PSS0808+5215 field and find that the DLA-LBG clustering signal survives when omitting this field from the analysis. Using the correlation functions measurements and uncertainties, we compute the z~3 LBG galaxy bias b_LBG to be 1.5<b_LBG<3 corresponding to an average halo mass of 10^(9.7)<M_LBG<10^(11.6) M_odot and the z~3 DLA galaxy bias b_DLA to be 1.3<b_DLA<4 corresponding to an average halo mass of 10^(9)<M_LBG<10^(12) M_odot. Lastly, two of the six QSOs discovered in this survey were found to lie within Delta z = 0.0125 of two of the survey DLAs. We estimate the probability of this occurring by chance is 1 in 940 and may indicate a possible relationship between the distribution of QSOs and DLAs at z~3
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