Inter- and intrapopulation variation of the pheromone, ipsdienol produced by male pine engravers,Ips pini (Say) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)

We determined the chirality of ipsdienol in individual male pine engravers,Ips pini (Say), from New York, California, and two localities in British Columbia (BC). Both quantity and chirality of ipsdienol varied significantly between and within populations ofI. pini. Beetles from California and southeastern BC produced primarily (R)-(−)-ipsdienol with mean ratios of (S)-(+) : (R)-(−) of 9 : 91 and 11 : 89, respectively, while beetles from New York produced primarily (S)-(+)-ipsdienol with a mean (S)-(+) : (R)-(−) ratio of 57 : 43. A population from southwestern BC was unlike any other known western population, producing primarily (S)-(+)-ipsdienol with a mean (S)-(+) : (R)-(−) ratio of 66 : 34. In contrast to the unimodal chirality profiles for ipsdienol production in populations from California and southeastern BC, the profiles of the populations from southwestern BC and New York were bimodal, with a common mode at approximately 44 : 56 (S)-(+) : (R)-(−). Bimodality in the profiles of ipsdienol chirality in two populations ofI. pini and remarkably high levels of intrapopulation variation in pheromone chirality in all four populations suggest that evolutionary change in pheromone channels of communication could occur, possibly in response to artificial selection pressures such as mass trapping.