Hormone Autotrophic Growth and Differentiation Identifies Mutant Lines of Arabidopsis with Altered Cytokinin and Auxin Content or Signaling

We describe mutant tissue lines of Arabidopsis that are able to grow in vitro as callus on hormone-free medium. The 14 lines presented here show different hormone autotrophic differentiation behaviors that can be classified into three categories: (a) forming roots (rooty callus), (b) forming shoots or shoot-like structures (shooty callus), or (c) growing without organ formation (callus). Three fast-growing lines showed altered steady-state mRNA levels of the Cdc2 andCycD3 cell cycle genes. Three of the six rooty callus lines contained about 20- to 30-fold higher levels of auxins than wild-type callus. These and two other lines with normal auxin content showed an increased steady-state level ofIAA1 and IAA2 transcripts in the absence of exogenous auxin. Five of the six shooty callus lines had increased steady-state mRNA levels of the CKI1 gene and/or of the homeobox genes KNAT1 andSTM, suggesting that the phenotype is linked to altered cytokinin signaling. Also, one cytokinin-overproducing line with only 5% of wild-type cytokinin oxidase activity was identified. These results indicate that screening for hormone-autonomous growth identifies mutants with altered hormone content or signaling.