The Discovery of Three New z>5 Quasars in the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey

We present the discovery of three z>5 quasars in the AGN and Galaxy Evolution Survey (AGES) spectroscopic observations of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS) Bootes Field. These quasars were selected as part of a larger Spitzer mid-infrared quasar sample with no selection based on optical colors. The highest redshift object, NDWFS J142516.3+325409, z=5.85, is the lowest-luminosity z>5.8 quasar currently known. We compare mid-infrared techniques for identifying z>5 quasars to more traditional optical techniques and show that mid-infrared colors allow for selection of high-redshift quasars even at redshifts where quasars lie near the optical stellar locus and at z>7 where optical selection is impossible. Using the superb multi-wavelength coverage available in the NDWFS Bootes field, we construct the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of high-redshift quasars from observed Bw-band to 24 microns (rest-frame 600 Angstroms - 3.7 microns). We show that the three high-redshift quasars have quite similar SEDs, and the rest-frame composite SED of low-redshift quasars from the literature shows little evolution compared to our high-redshift objects. We compare the number of z>5 quasars we have discovered to the expected number from published quasar luminosity functions. While analyses of the quasar luminosity function are tenuous based on only three objects, we find that a relatively steep luminosity function with Psi L^(-3.2) provides the best agreement with the number of high-redshift quasars discovered in our survey.

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