Why are antisaccades slower than prosaccades? A novel finding using a new paradigm

Eye movements away from a new object (antisaccades) are slower than towards it (prosaccades). This finding is assumed to reflect the fact that prosaccades to new objects are made reflexively, and that for antisaccades, reflexive eye movements have to be inhibited and antisaccades are generated volitionally. Experiment 1 investigated the relative contribution of saccade inhibition by comparing the latency difference between pro- and antisaccades obtained in the traditional blocked paradigm and in a new paradigm in which oculomotor inhibition across pro- and antisaccades was matched. When inhibition was placed on the oculomotor system, the latency difference between pro- and antisaccades was significantly reduced. Experiment 2 examined the contribution of volitional saccade programming and execution by requiring both pro- and antisaccades to be programmed volitionally. This manipulation did not decrease further the difference between pro- and antisaccades. It is thus concluded that oculomotor inhibition is the main factor leading to long antisaccade latency. The remaining difference is attributed to the reallocation of covert attention from the target location towards the opposite antisaccade location.