The Use of a Color TV Technique for Measuring Filament Length and Investigating Sludge Bulking Causes

Since activated sludge bulking is often observed in connection with growth of filamentous bacteria and fungi, the measurement of the lengths of these microorganisms has been recognized to be increasingly necessary. A microscopic measurement is, however, very time consuming and requires well trained skill. A simple and short but accurate method was developed using a color TV connected to a microscope through a video camera. The measurement of lengths of the microbes takes place on the TV screen tracing the filaments with a map meter which is a length measuring device. This method was statistically evaluated for accuracy and gave satisfactory results. Measurement of many samples from various activated sludges showed a good correlation between the total length of filamentous microbes and settleability of sludges. When the total length increases over 103 cm/ml of mixed liquor or 103 cm/mg of MLSS, Zone Settling Velocity, SVI, a new index of SVI at Phase I and other indexes of sludge settling become unfavourable figures. Measurement of the lengths as a daily routine work can give a trend of increase and decrease of filamentous microbes and thus probably forecast an occurrence of filamentous bulking.

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