The low-lying excited states of Sn116 populated by primary and secondary γ-ray transitions from the reaction Sn115(n,γ)Sn116 were studied. Both singles and γγ coincidence techniques were employed with the exclusive use of Ge(Li) detectors. Results obtained from high-energy γ-ray spectra (∼5.9-10 MeV) were combined with those from low-energy singles spectra (∼100 keV-3.8 MeV) and low-low coincidence spectra in order to infer the excitation energies and branching characteristics of 21 states up to an energy of ∼3.7 keV. A level and decay scheme is proposed including a total of 45 γ rays representing ∼90% of the decay intensity. This scheme includes most of the levels having Ex3 MeV which were observed previously4 in charged-particle reactions and β-decay studies. The existence of the 0+ level having an excitation energy of 2027 keV has been confirmed and a new level at 2545-keV excitation is proposed.