Serum albumin

The liver manufactures albumin at a massive rate and decreases production in times of environmental, nutritional, toxic and trauma stress. Osmotic pressure is a basic evolutionary regulatory factor, and hormonal control over albumin production has been demonstrated. Where and why new or old albumin is degraded are questions which have not been clarified, although the vascular endothelium may well be the degradative site. Albumin is important as a transport protein, as a measure of evolution and as a model to study secretion following synthesis without the intervening steps of glycosylation. Investigations as to how this protein enters the endoplasmic membrane may well answer some of the questions concerning signal peptide insertion (288). The role of the urea cycle intermediate ornithine and its participation in polyamine synthesis, which has a positive effect on albumin synthesis, is under study. Likewise, the inverse relation between acute-phase protein synthesis and albumin synthesis regulated by interleukin 1 and other cytokines will merit further study. These are a few of the concepts which will be tested in the future.