Long-term Luminal Renarrowing After Successful Elective Coronary Angioplasty of Total Occlusions

Background The long-term angiographic outcome after successful dilatation of coronary occlusions remains unclear. The objective of this study was to examine long-term restenosis after successful balloon dilatation of coronary occlusions at a predetermined time interval with quantitative angiography and compare this with a control population of stenoses. Methods and Results The study population comprised 2950 patients (3583 lesions) prospectively enrolled in and successfully completing four major restenosis trials (86% quantitative angiographic follow-up). Cineangiographic films were processed and analyzed at a central core laboratory with the use of an automated interpolated edge detection technique. The study population comprised 266 occlusions (7%) defined as total when there was absent anterograde filling beyond the lesion (109 lesions) and functional (157 lesions) when faint, late anterograde opacification of the distal segment was seen in the absence of a discernible luminal continuity; 3317 lesions ...