Comparison of the B- and Z-form hairpin loop structures formed by d(CG)5T4(CG)5

The partially self-complementary synthetic DNA oligonucleotide d(CG)5T4(CG)5 has been studied by using 1H and 31P NMR and circular dichroism. Results show that, under low-salt conditions (120 mM NaCl buffer), an intramolecular hairpin loop exists in which the double-helical stem regions is B-form and the thymidine loop residues have predominantly southern (C2''-endo) sugar conformations. The thymidine glycosidic torsion angles are intermediate between syn and anti or exist as an equilibrium mixture of residues in the two extremes. NOESY data indicate that the structure of the loop region is very similar to that found for d(CG)2T4(CG)2 [Hare, D. R., and Reid, B. R. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 5341-5350]. Under high-salt conditions (6 M NaClO4 buffer), the dominant form (.simeq. 85%) is an intramolecular hairpin structure in which the stem region forms a Z-form double helix. As in the B-form, the loop thymidine residues are intermediate between the syn and anti conformations or exist as an equilibrium mixture of the two, but the thymidine sugar conformations differ in that they are biased toward northern (C3''-endo) conformations.