Ligation and catheterization of the hepatic artery for palliative treatment of malignant hepatic tumors

Eleven unresectable hepatoma patients and three metastatic tumor patients with colonic cancer underwent ligation and/or catheterization of the hepatic artery of the main tumor‐bearing zone. Mitomycin C (liquid or microcapsulated) or Adriamycin were administered via the catheter intermittently or continuously with a portable pump device. In follow‐up study the tumor size was frequently visualized by arteriography via the cannula. Some tumors became smaller with calcification. The levels of α‐Fetopro‐tein of CEA in some cases dropped remarkably and stayed low for a fairly long period. There was no immediate postoperative death. Six of 11 unresectable hepatoma patients survived longer than 8 months with a maximum survival of 17.5 months. Two of three metastatic patients have survived more than 11 months at this writing. This method seems effective for prolongation of patient survival.