The elastic constants of strontium molybdate (ultrasound velocity data)

There are inconsistencies in the previously published ultrasound velocity data for SrMoO4 and the derived elastic constants are incorrect. Further experiments combined with computation of the sound energy flux directions demonstrate that these inconsistencies arose because for certain quasi-shear modes propagated in the (001) plane the deviation of energy flux from the propagation direction is large enough to have caused wall reflections in the samples which were originally used. New transducer-sample configurations have been devised to avoid wall reflections and the ultrasound velocities remeasured. The components of the elastic stiffness tensor thus determined are C11=11.9, C12=6.2, C13=4.8, C16=1.2, C33=10.4, C44=3.49, C66=4.2 in units of 1010Nm-2.