Loss of T Cell Receptor Vβ Repertoires in HIV Type 1-Infected SCID-hu Mice

Late-stage HIV-1 disease in humans has been associated with perturbations of the T cell receptor (TCR) Vβ repertoire. It is not known if the observed loss of certain Vβ families is attributable directly to HIV-1 infection or whether this is a consequence of multiple opportunistic infections. Putative HIV-1- associated superantigens have been postulated to be the cause of the perturbed TCR Vβ repertoire and the subsequent CD4+ T cell depletion in HIV-1-infected humans. In this study, we examined the human TCR Vβ repertoire in SCID-hu mice, housed in a pathogen-free environment and infected with a molecularly cloned virus strain, to ascertain directly the effect of HIV-1 on the human TCR Vβ repertoire in the absence of other infectious agents. We demonstrate that mock-infected human thymus/liver (Thy/Liv) implants in SCID-hu mice have complete TCR Vβ repertoires, reflective of a normal human thymus. However, HIV-1-infected implants in SCID-hu mice had depleted TCR Vβ repertoires, corresponding with thymocyte depletion. These results indicate that HIV-1-specific mechanisms are the cause of the TCR Vβ repertoire depletion in infected implants. However, these thymocyte depletions were not restricted to specific TCR Vβ subsets. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that HIV-1 acts as a superantigen in vivo. The disruption of the TCR Vβ repertoire in the human Thy/Liv implants of the SCID-hu mice suggests that HIV-1 infection may be influencing T cell development in the thymus, contributing to both the overall CD4+ T cell depletion in AIDS and limited TCR repertoire diversity.