Decay of 5.9-DayEu145to Levels inSm145

The level structure of Sm145 was studied by observing the electron-capture decay of 5.9-day Eu145. The radioactive source was prepared by bombarding Sm144 with protons accelerated in the Oak Ridge isochronous cyclotron. Both singles and γγ coincidence spectra were measured. From these measurements, transition energies were obtained to an accuracy better than previously available and the following new transitions were assigned to the decay of Eu145: 519.4, 526.2, 713.9, 910.3, 949.9, ∼1625, 2340.8, 2508.1, and 2513.0 keV. Because of decay-energy considerations the latter three transitions establish the existence of new Sm145 levels at 2340.8, 2508.1, and 2513.0 keV. From the coincidence data, levels at 1607.6 (½) and 1843.6 (½, 32) keV were also established; these states apparently correspond to those previously observed in Sm144(d,p) studies at about 1611 and 1854 keV. A survey of available data for N=83 isotones (Xe137Gd147) indicated a systematic shift in excitation energy for seven rather well-established single-neutron states as their location was traced from nuclide to nuclide. On this basis it was then possible to predict in Xe137, Ce141, and Gd147 the approximate excitation energies of some of these so far unreported states.